November 2023 - Mindfulness in the News Roundup

Winter's here with its shorter days and chilly vibes, and let's face it—it messes with our moods. It's not just a perception—these natural shifts can indeed impact us. This season can be an opportunity to enhance our wellbeing one mindful moment at a time. Read our latest mindfulness roundup to learn how to: 

  • Defend against a winter funk

  • Turn gratitude into a superpower 

  • Master the art of dealing with negative emotions

  • Give your immune system a mindful boost

Unlocking the Winter Blues

Shorter days and colder temperatures, many find you just feeling off. A disrupted pattern of sleep and wakefulness can lead to a serious dip in mood. That’s the bad news. The good news? Meditation and mindfulness play a crucial role in enhancing melatonin production, promoting relaxation, and deeper sleep, while also boosting serotonin levels for a mood-lift. Whether through seated meditation or integrating mindfulness into everyday activities like focused breathing and exercise, this mindful approach becomes a powerful defense, bringing light to the darkest of days.

Gratitude is Always in Season

Gratitude is a game-changer for mental and physical wellbeing. Pausing and being grateful for life's simple pleasures shifts perspectives, fostering happiness and overall contentment. In a world where complaints and discouragements abound, gratitude serves as a formidable antidote. When we make it a habit, it counteracts worries, anxieties, and negative thoughts. And, by acknowledging what is going right, we can foster a mindset of appreciation that resonates throughout the season and beyond.

A Positive Reaction to Negative Emotions

Negative emotions are an inevitable part of life, but their impact is shaped by our reactions. Recent studies emphasize that the way we judge and respond to these emotions often affects us more than the emotions themselves. Instead of beating ourselves up for feeling down or cranky, let’s try something different. Mindfulness is a powerful way to deal with sadness, anger, or insecurity. Instead of self-criticism, we can recognize these feelings as healthy, natural, and temporary. Instead of judging these emotions, accept and move past them to foster a forward-moving, positive mindset.

Mindfulness, Your Immune System’s Best Friend

It's that time of the year—cue the sniffles and coughs. But did you know mindfulness is like your immune system's ally? Beyond its mental and emotional benefits, studies reveal its positive impact on the immune system. Mindfulness is a triple threat when it comes to fighting sickness. It reduces inflammation, amps up CD-4 cells that tackle infections, and boosts telomerase activity (we had to look it up too, but it’s an important safeguard against premature aging and cancer). Mindfulness is not a magic pill, but a reliable and science-backed approach to improving both our mental and physical health.


December - Three Things We Love


December - Mindfulness in the News